This week's feature beer is just perfect for the summer. I fell in love with Dogfish Head's Festina Peche back in college when D got a case of it for amazingly cheap. It's characterized as a Berliner Weisse, which is traditionally a beer brewed in Berlin that's typically identified by it's tartness. We had a Berliner Weisse at our local brewpub recently and they served fruit syrups that you mix it. Trust me, it sounds weird, but it's great! Don't be scared off by the term tart; many beginner beer drinkers enjoy this style.
As for Festina, the 4.5% alcohol level makes it really easy to drink. It's so crisp, bright and delicious. You can get hints of tartness, but it actually reminded me of this beer I recommended to beginners. In my opinion, it's the perfect combination of sweet and sour. While I think this beer is great for sipping at the beach or on the porch after a long day. As for food, I would go with a light fish. I'm imagining a fish topped with a mango salsa!
Now, I'm off in DC for a long weekend to celebrate the end of my birthday week! Head on over and see what Sarah chose to feature this week. Cheers to the weekend friends!
Do you have a favorite tart beer? Or can you even tolerate them?