Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekly presence v.2

In an effort to be more present in my life and utilize this space for documentation and sharing, this is a weekly series to display happenings and special moments in my life.

While I don't enjoy the early mornings, I really love the break I have in my day to indulge in the simple things.  I absolutely loved Yes Please!  The color pages and additional pictures made it fun to read.  I thought it was relatable, funny, and real.  It was a quick read for me, and I would definitely recommend it.  And these Caveman Cookies?  They are amazing!  Simple, natural ingredients and individually packaged.  I like to keep them at work for a little sweet treat after lunch or for a snack, so I don't resort to candy.

One of my favorite things to do lately is text D adorable pictures of kittens.  But the cutest kitten will always be my first love.  This is Bailey as a kitten.  At almost nine years old now, he can be ornery and annoying.  But damn if that face still doesn't make me smile from ear to ear.  Pets truly bring so much joy to your life.

This is a scene from my last long run, 12 miles, before my half marathon this weekend!  I ran all my long runs this training session on the greenway near my house and it's been splendid.  I have loved exploring new areas and running past the Raleigh skyline.  My runs have been fast and strong.  I've worked extra hard to stay balanced.  I'm hoping that my snow/ice day snacking didn't get my body too out of whack.  I'm ready to rock this race!  Ps. Peanut Butter GU is the best flavor!

We had some snow/ice here in Raleigh, and it practically shuts everything down.  My county public schools have been completely closed for four days now!  I was lucky enough to have two days off and extend my long weekend!  I'm trying to forget the fact that two-hour delays feel torturous and much harder than my normal schedule (I basically lose my mid-day break, have a ton of kids, and still have to come in earlier than all the other teachers) and enjoy the beauty that was Wednesday's snow.  There are no pictures or videos that could describe the huge flakes consistently falling to the ground.  The moment felt so special, even when there was no one to share it with, that I never wanted it to end.  That and the fact that we won't have to make up snow days with Saturday school :)


The Pink Growl said...

Our schools here have been closed for the week too! Crazy snow and ice storm. I'm in Knoxville so not too too far from you. Amy's book is next on my shelf to read!

Jo said...

I'm having a hard enough time trying to motivate myself to workout when it's this cold. I can't imagine running a marathon! I have to say, though, I am so proud of you. You seem so much more focused and centered these days. Way to win at life!

M. Eileen said...

Richmond schools have been shut down for days! Here is to hoping we won't have more crazy snow in the weeks to come. Looking forward to reading Yes Please!

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