Friday, October 14, 2011

iPhone snippets.

Since it's a bitch to get photos from my iPhone to my computer, I just needed to give you a quick post with some snippets of my Athens/fall break trip. It was so nice to be around family and friends. I'll be back next week to post about some really fun, memorable events that went down.

Sweet pups on the road trip to Athens.

Road trip fuel - first pumpkin spiced latte of the season (and maybe last because it's a little too sweet for me)

Breaking out the booties for a vent/friend session at the brewery. I really want neon laces.

Puppy-kitten stare-down over food.

Treating my sisters to McDonald's and a little playscape time.

I spent a lot of time with my dad and sisters doing puzzles.

Screened porches are one of my favorite things ever.

Bottling, labeling, and wax dipping the beer brewed in loving memory of our friend, BFW. Amazing story on the beer and label (as well as the beer dinner in her honor on her birthday) that I can't wait to tell later.

It was a wonderful trip, but I am so happy to be home back in Raleigh relaxing (and trying to get over a cold). We'll be catching up on Dexter season 5 as well!

-BlogPress post


Claire Kiefer said...

Screened-in porches are one of the things I miss most about the south! And I love that beer bottle. Sounds like there's an amazing story behind it. Happy weekend!

ahmed said...

تفاصيل في ضمان فوز تجربة نقل منزلك. سوف يقوم واحد من مستشاري النقل الاحترافيين لدينا بتصرف مسح داخلي حتى نتمكن من تزويدك بأكثر التقديرات دقة لحركتك. ونظرًا لأننا نقدم تقديرات لا تمر ، فلا داعي للقلق بخصوص أي ضرائب خفية على كشف حسابك الختامية. في مسعى لادخار عملية نقل أكثر سلاسة ، لدينا ما هو هام فيما يتعلق لك؟ يسمح لك البرنامج إطلاعنا على أي مطالب خاصة لديك من أشخاص أسرتك المتحركة. يتمتع متخصصون النقل السكنية لدينا بخبرة عالية ولديهم تمرشركة نقل اثاث


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