After leaving Prague, we took the train over the Munich. It was a gorgeous day, so after checking into our hotel, we headed right over to get started drinking.
The Augustiner-keller Bier Garden was my favorite beer spots in Munich. This place is all about tradition and customs. The waitresses are dressed in the traditional German outfit that is often spotted at German beer festivals in the US. If my memory serves, we got some pretzels and I enjoyed the most delicious sausage of my life. If I ever come across a kasekrainer (which was NOT spotted on the menu and I might die if they don't have it one day when I return) here in the US, it will totally break me from my vegetarian ways. I literally spent the rest of our trip in Europe scouring menus for another kasekrainer. Bailey, their menu made me think of you! If you make it there, the menu has a vegetarian section (albeit consisting of only three things!).
We spent our first full day in Munich
[Weiss Bräuhaus]
Most of our time in Munich was gray and overcast, but it didn't stop us from exploring and spending time in the Englischer Gartens.
[Yep! Surfers!]
[The locals playing bocce ball!]
We had a wonderful time in Munich, but ultimately decided we had seen all the cool beer spots and wanted to head to Italy a day early (the gray weather didn't help). Nonetheless, I would totally stop back in Munich on my next trip to Europe.
Pretty sure this is considered part of drinking June!

ugh. i want to travel!!!
I loved these pictures! It reminds me of all mine that I have hidden away in iPhoto. I went with a few friends to Oktoberfest back in college, and visited a lot of the places you showed :) Such a different world!
I loved Munich! And my pictures are pretty much the same as yours! :) I almost died when I saw the surfers!
omg!! i loved the surfers!! how cool is that? i took some video of it! also, i was not that impressed with the hofbrahaus .. it took over 30 minutes to get a beer and forget about them coming back! we have a pretty big and famous beer garden in queens, right by where i live, it's czech, not german though, but i <3 it!
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