Monday, June 6, 2011

It's all downhill from here.

I have my "waiver hearings" today for my kids.  The kids who had good final grades were all approved and "waived" from the test standard.  That leaves me with eight students to present today at the hearings.  Even though I completed all my work sample folders on Friday, I'll feel a huge relief once the hearings are done and over. 

To add insult to injury of this terrible, horrible, month/week/etc., I found out on Thursday that I had forgotten about my online summer class.  The class was practically THREE WEEKS IN.  Um, it's a five week course.  WTF?  Of course this resulted in frantically contacting the teacher to ensure she wouldn't drop me from the class, overnighting the textbook for $100+, and working all weekend on getting caught up.

This has been seriously one of the hardest, most stressful times in my life.  I have almost 900 unread blogs.  But I'm feeling much more positive!  I'm almost done with it all.  Then I'm going to finish my college coursework and be done with clearing my teaching license.  I'm still on the search to transfer to an elementary school, which has thus far proven unsuccessful.  I plan to ramp up my cover letter and continue that search.  I have a wedding in Alabama this weekend.  Then I promise to be back to the blogging world in full swing!

Thanks for all your kind comments, tweets, etc.  :)


Megan said...

Something similar happened to a friend of mine. She signed a paper saying she was interested in a master's program, but she didn't realize she was actually signing up for it. She found out a few weeks in that she was enrolled in the class. She actually ended up doing better than a lot of the people who were already going to classes.

Good luck on the job search!

this free bird said...

Hang in there woman. That freaking class experience is a nightmare come to life. I still wake up sweating in the middle of the night and I've been out of Uni for bloody 15 years!! Shudder


stoppingfordaisies said...

It'll all be over soon, try not to get too overwhelmed. Good luck!

Olivia.Dee said...

you are quite the determined woman. more power to you! i envy that.


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