I've been really excited to share about my success with this month's challenge! January's challenge was to clean out my closet and donate old items. In the past, I've cleaned out my closet every now and then, but it is always difficult to go make the actual donation. I've been hanging on to lots of extra clothes that either don't fit or are hideous just because I'm a bit sentimental. It was well past time to rid myself of the closet clutter.
It's obvious that my closet (and bedroom) were a major disaster. This is probably an understatement. I'm slightly embarrassed to display my unorganized ways. That's also only half of my bedroom closet and I'm not even counting the guest room closet (which I cleaned out in December).
While it's still not the epitome of organization, I got rid of so many things! Since then, I've been pulling out some awesome pieces that I forgot I had and hadn't worn in years. This was huge!
I ended up with five bags to donate! Some of these were D's items to get rid of, but the vast majority was mine. It's scary. I know there are still a hand full of items that I just didn't get rid of but should have (like those items I vowed to only keep if I got them hemmed).
There's my old stuff! I donated to my favorite Raleigh thrift store, Cause for Paws. Their mission is to,
"protect, nurture, and find homes for unwanted and displaced canines and felines. We have a NO-KILL policy and we partner with other animal wellness organizations who maintain a working no-kill policy. Our goal is to create a task force to rescue animals from shelters in Wake and surrounding counties. We aim to have a sustained program allowing animals due for euthanasia to be rescued and relocated to a no-kill animal shelter."The best part about this month's challenge for me? Purging items I just didn't need! I had moved with much of these clothes from Georgia. While they may have fit me then, I still didn't wear even half of them. It felt great to purge the non-fitting items and pieces that were so out of style, I'd never wear them again. Now I know what clothing and shoes I have and this task should be much easier next year! Knowing that I was giving back and supporting a cause I am passionate about (plus the community) was an added bonus. Lesson learned :: giving is good for others as well as myself.
February is upon us, and it's time to focus on this month's goal!
I've never donated before, and I'm a little nervous. I'll share more about my story when it's time for the February link-up which will happen on March 4. Keep an eye out for a post later this week with more details. If you haven't signed up for 12 Months of Giving, do so here!
Grab the button and link-up my giving friends!

Tell me, what was the best part about the challenge for you this month?
Did you donate?
Did you remember to get a tax document?
So loved this month's goal. I loved getting rid of the riffraff in my closet, but especially enjoyed paying forward all of the gifts I was given when I had my twins. I didn't get the tax documents, but I'm fine with it.
By the way, your closet looks fantastic!!
Way to go, girl! I am one of those obnoxious people who cleans my closets out on a regular basis and I love to see other people clean theirs out, too. (weird, right?)
I gave blood in high school. It's no big deal. You'll be fine. Plus! Donating blood is actually good for your own body because you create new blood cells to replenish the ones you gave away. Double good!
Baller job lady friend! I love cleaning out my closet; having everything organized is SUCH a relief!
nice work! I've moved across country a few times via toyota corolla so I've done a lot of slimming down of belongings. It always feels great to move forward.
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