Thursday, November 25, 2010

Be brave.

Those were D's words on that fateful day that I decided to talk to my principal about interviewing for another job.  I did it.  I definitely walked back and forth from the office two times before I actually went through with it.  I couldn't be more proud of myself.  This resulted in a thrilling last day before my Thanksgiving holidays.  I spoke with the assistant principal at the prospective school and hopefully will have an interview scheduled next week.  I also got really encouraging news from a friend who works at the school.   

I really apologize for not updating more!  I was hoping to have some spare time over the holidays, but we're actually keeping ourselves pretty busy.  I've got some Thanksgiving food posts, a shopping post, and just some general updates.  I brought work stuff home to do over the holidays as well.  Now it's about time for me to get started on my Thanksgiving cooking!  Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

this free bird said...

Have a great one Kristin and good luck on the new job, too!!



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