Friday, September 7, 2012

Food & Beer Friday :: Finally! A NC local!

After posting so many California beers, I figured it was about time for me to show some love to the state that I now call home.

When we first moved to Raleigh almost three years ago, we were super lucky and scored a tiny, cinder block house for super cheap in the best location.  We were within walking distance to a legendary watering hole in Raleigh, Players Retreat.  The first time I can recall having this beer is during one of their $10 pitcher specials.  I've been in love ever since.

Lonerider's Sweet Josie Brown, in my opinion, compares more to a porter style beer.  Lonerider characterizes it as an American-style brown.  It pours brown with a creamy, light caramel head on it.  The flavor was a bit roasty with hints of chocolate.  This is fitting with Lonerider's description.  I think it is the chocolate and malts that remind me of a porter-style beer instead of a brown ale.  This is by far, my favorite brown ale.  It warms my heart that it comes from Raleigh, NC!

GABF, also known as the Great American Beer Festival, is a renowned festival for those in the beer industry (or just lovers of beer).  The competition is where it is really at, and it's a huge honor to win a medal there.  Sweet Josie Brown was lucky enough to come home with a coveted gold medal!  So you know it's good!

As for food pairings, I drank my Sweet Josie as my cooking beer.  We made some pretty delicious tofu, okra, & guac tacos.  I'd recommend complimentary chocolate flavors or contradicting salty flavors.

This chocolate peanut butter popcorn puppy chow would be my very first choice if I was going to combine the two. #yesplease


I have a link-up list waiting.  If you give me the word that you're interested in linking up, I'll add it in!  


Terri said...

Sweet Josie is definitely a go-to when I'm looking for something darker & local (and normally cheaper.) Get Thee to my blog today though ;)

I think you could get some cool link ups for a Food and Beer day.

Claire Kiefer said...

I wanna try that beer! Sounds delicious! And speaking of delicious, those tacos . . . I need something like that to happen in my kitchen ASAP!

Mandy@OrangeAutumn said...

Love this, food and beer on Friday, what could be better? This one sounds wonderful, and the okra looks fantastic! Hope you're having a good Friday!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just found your blog via the Follow Friday page. I'm a huge huge fan of beer. Sometimes people look at me funny because I guess it's a stereotype that only guys enjoy beer. Whatever. Have you ever tried Zeigenbock (sp?) beer from Texas? That's my favorite kind, and the kind we bought when we lived there, but they don't sell it in Chicago. Snobs. So now we like 312 beer or whatever kind is cheap at the store. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just came across your blog from the Follow Friday link up and.. um... I absolutely love it. Seriously, can we be best friends?! Haha.

I love finding new, local beers to try. I actually brewed some of my own last year, too! It was such a great experience.

Anywayyy, just sayin' 'hey' from a new follower :)

Head to Toe Chic said...

I live in Raleigh too! :) My husband loves that beer!



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