I mentioned that after doing Whole 30 that I've never felt better in my life. There was some sort of shift in my brain that happened while doing the 30. It became more about feeling great, not necessarily looking great. Back in April 2011, when I started my running journey, I definitely shed some pounds. I still ate like crap. Pure shit that just isn't good for my body. Whole 30 helped me shift consciousness to what I eat on a daily basis. This shift has produced noticeable differences in my body.
I even started forgetting about the number on the scale. I've always had those goal weights. There's the one that finally gets me to that BMI that is healthy for my height. Then there's the one that is the dream...the ultimate. I decided to step on that scale on Sunday...and I hit it. That initial goal weight. It felt like a fluke...I hadn't worked out since I was sick & had been drinking all week. I'm scared I'll never see that number again, but it was motivation to keep being healthy.
Even before I looked at that number last weekend, I felt good when I looked at myself in the mirror. That stomach pooch doesn't bother me so much anymore. Either way, I've worked damn hard to feel the best I can while still enjoying the things I love (food + beer). I'm going to keep working and get down to that goal weight, to lessen the pooch a little more. I'm going to keep pushing myself...running, toning. Why? Because I can. I can do it.
More importantly, I'm embracing this as a lifestyle change. If I want to continue to feel good & love myself, I have to follow my lifestyle mantras.
My mantras. I encourage you to make your own.
Linking up today!

Awesome Kristin! Congratulations!! I know what you mean about stopping thinking about just getting to a number and starting to think about just feeling good. It's amazing how working hard and feeling good can lead you to really get to where you wanted. Even though it's not really a secret, it is kind of the weight loss secret. Just eat well and move. But everyone wants a magic pill. Thanks for sharing!! What's up next for you in races?
YAY! This is really encouraging to me. I'm trying so hard to get to my goal weight - I feel like I shift goals and mantras and mindsets every day in an attempt to force change. It's really hard to stick to one thing. I feel inspired to eat healthier after reading your post. :)
So exciting for you! Wish I could say the same. I gotta get back on the wagon--I was doing so great with eating well and exercising most days, but then my trip to Georgia sort of threw me off. This post is motivating, though, and really does inspire me to get back with the program!
Congratulations, lady!! This is such a wonderful and inspiring post =)
Hells yes! Amen to all of it.
these are great mantras to have! i really want to start living healthy, i've noticed that i get tired faster now than i did in my teens, haha. ;) thanks for the motivation! :D
<3, Mimi
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love this.
i never pay attention to the scale; since i started my healthy living program back in january, i've only stepped on the scale twice. i think inches lost is the best way to measure progress; the scale is just too inaccurate.
keep it up! it IS a lifestyle change and change takes time. eating clean and regular exercise is the way to go and the weight will come off.
Amazing post! Keep up the good work and congrats on the smaller size that really is a great feeling!
Love this, very inspirational! It's true, if you focus on how good you feel than everything else will take care of itself. So happy for you that you're doing well!
This post is just what I needed! After getting home from vacation (where mostly crappy foods were consumed!), I needed some motivation to get back on track and this did it!! :)
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