Monday, November 26, 2012

Life Lately :: It's officially holiday season.

Now that Thanksgiving has passed, it is officially time to buckle down and focus on the holiday season!  It's no secret that I adore Christmas and the special feelings that come along with it.  It certainly doesn't hurt that D and I have made it a tradition to give each other the gift of travel and go on a special vacay before Christmas every year.

Unfortunately, it makes December fly by so quickly.  Last year, I did lots of homemade gifts, and I plan to follow suit again this year.  Between buying gifts, making gifts, decorating, traveling, and still working...I'm getting a little overwhelmed by what this holiday season will bring (and it's not even December yet!).  For now, I'm going to try to cherish all the little moments while I can. Here's some of the little things making me happy this holiday season.

 [Lots of crafting going on around these parts!  Two DIY projects have already been completed.  Time to move on to presents! Note to self :: crafting should be done year-round because it's so fun!]

 [Loving this simple outfit for errands and an airport run.]

 [Nothing like adult apple cider & a hot buttered rum candle to get you in the holiday spirit]

 [This gal just makes me smile all the time.]

 [Thanksgiving Day outfit! Plus a little bit more happiness when a belt that you previously could barely even wear is too big #win]

 [No shame in bathroom pics. Gotta show those curls though! Perfect for a chilly night at Terrapin.]

 [Warming by fire & tailgating for my first Georgia game in 3(??) years...oh and I love my $13 Target kicks.]

 [Jittery Joes.  My favorite coffee shop ever.]

 [Gameday in Athens!]



Anonymous said...

I am DIY-ing lots of my presents this year too! It's so much better, and alot more fun!

Can't wait to see the present ideas you have! Glad you had such a great weekend!

Alex Byer said...

EXCUSE ME! Where are those leopard loafers from?! SHARE GIRL. Love your little peak at life :) Can't WAIT to hear more about your DIYs!

Claire Kiefer said...

Very cute pics, and you are looking so skinny in that belt! Not sure I know anyone else who is managing to LOSE weight during the holiday season--you should be impressed with yourself!! :)

Ash said...

all of these photos just put me in THE BEST mood!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, that cider & that candle. Perfection.

Britta Marie said...

i love your thanksgiving day outfit!!! where is that dress from?

Meghan said...

Fo real? You are WAY too cute. I adore your style. :)

Unknown said...

Very cute Thanksgiving Day outfit!

Charlotte said...

Love your Thanksgiving Day outfit! Cute dress!


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