Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weekend getaway :: Hot Springs, NC.

After D and I got back from Mexico, we spent some time with family in Georgia & West Virginia.  From WV, we headed to western North Carolina for a little R&R before returning to the real world.

We stayed right outside Hot Springs last year for our anniversary getaway, but we didn't venture into the "city."  Hot Springs, NC is an adorable tiny town which the Appalachian Trial runs right through.  We were lucky enough to snag a "cottage" (more like an older house) at the last minute.  It was equipped with a hot tub (a necessity for any of our mountain trips) and within walking distance to downtown Hot Springs.

The first night we got some snow.  It was cold and rainy, but we did venture into town to have dinner.  The Iron Horse Station had some great craft beers on draft and pretty good food.

On our last full day, we walked into town and explored.  There are some really cute shops & restaurants.


Alex Byer said...

Beautious! I'm so jelly! Take me there immediately!

Claire Kiefer said...

So cute--what a darlin little getaway!

Meghan said...

What an adorable little town! I need to find some more here in the Midwest!

Jo said...

You were just out the road from me, girl! I'm glad you like our little corner of the mountains out here. :)

Stephanie said...

This looks like the perfect getaway! I love that red bridge. :)

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Megan said...

What a quaint, cozy place! It looks so relaxing and peaceful.


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