I hope you're not surprised to see another stout. I just can't help myself. Regardless of the 60 degree days we've been having around here, I love curling up with a stout to end my work day. Unfortunately, these temps seem like they're going to be around for a bit (or at least the next 10 days), so maybe I'll break out a lighter porter next week? Just don't get your hopes up...
As for Bell's Kalamazoo Stout, do you see many 6% stouts? While it's supposed to be brewed with chocolate and coffee, those flavors didn't come through much. In my opinion, that's a good thing for this beer! It's nice to have a stout that isn't overly medicated with a particular flavor. It was light(er) considering it was a stout. Don't be scared off by the licorice! It certainly didn't taste like that scary black licorice (or black jelly beans...bleh) that haunts me to this day. Apparently the brewer's licorice Bell's uses is gelatin-free which makes it ok for vegetarians! Boo yah!
Bell's has a pretty good line-up of beers; however I am preferable to their seasonal varieties (ever heard of the much anticipated HopSlam?). I would venture to guess that one of their most well known beers is their year-round Two Hearted Ale, which is pretty delicious. Nonetheless, if you can get your hands on this stout, give it a try! It won't knock your socks off, but I'd say it's a pretty good choice for a stout in 50 degree weather...

I'm not a huge fan of stouts but maybe it's because I haven't had the right one! Teach me your ways!
Ps. Soooo excited about the weather, I mean not the rain but warm temps mean no socks. Booooyah.
Does it taste quite a lot like Guiness? I love Guiness, to me it tastes like coffee!
Nice pick!
Hm ok so I was turned off initially by the licorice, but since you say it's not so strong, I think I might give this a shot!
Ok, I was almost going to be like, ehhh no thanks when I saw licorice, but since it's subtle, I'll definitely try this one! I'll have to check out their other beers too!
Found you through Follow Friday! Love the blog, especially the title of it!
I live in Kzoo, and loooove me some Bell's! :) Two Hearted is definitely my favorite.
This is really interesting...you don't see much beer on blogs :) We have a few great breweries around here, but I've never had anything with licorice! It's definitely different, but definitely something I'd be interested in trying! xoxo
I have some hop slam in my fridge right now! I might need one tonight, too, the way today is going. I'm not a big stout fan, but I adore Two Hearted. It's always a safe choice, that you can count on. Yum!!
I love Bell's!!! We had a keg of their wedding ale at our wedding because my friend sells for them. They do not sell it to the public, so for two beer geeks it was like winning the lottery. :)
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