Negatives (to get them over and end on a positive note): It's been marked with major celebrity deaths. I still have my same job which, let's just say, I don't love. We're still living in Athens. I lost weight at the beginning of the year but didn't continue throughout the end (semi-positive at least I've mostly maintained and not gained it all back). The official job search began and it sucks, sucks, sucks. Family drama has presented itself.
Positives (yay!): We moved to a smaller, more quaint and appropriately sized house. We went to Europe for a month (and I was graciously granted paid leave for the majority)! We got engaged! News that we will officially be moving in 2010. Friends still nearby in Athens. Book club.
Now some "Best Of's"...only because I am lame and trying to make my blog a little more exciting ;)
Best Movie:
Ok...not going to lie...I had to google a list of movies that came out in 2009. I have a terrible memory and can not for the life of me remember which movies came out when. did not have very good and comprehensive lists of 2009 movies either. Anyhow, off the top of my head I decided on
D and I saw this in the dollar theater. I won't lie...I felt uncomfortable and stressed for a large portion of the movie. But it was also hilarious. Even when I think back on it, I laugh. Plus, I love Ed Helms. Hilarious.
Best TV Series:
This came down to two different types. D and I have become obsessed with Netflix this year. So via Netflix, my best "old" TV series is...
I'm obsessed. It is amazing! We're almost through Season 5, and Season 6 premieres in early February. Love it.
Best "current" TV series is, no question...

Must see TV on Thursdays is amazing. The Office has always ranked high on my list. Parks and Recreation has moved up on my list. At this point, nothing surpasses 30 Rock for me. I'm not even an Alec Baldwin fan. There is not a single episode when I die laughing. Definitely best current TV series.
Best Music:
Only one person comes to mind...LADY GAGA.

She is epic and wonderful. Her music is catchy and stays in my head. I mean even D has broke out singing p-p-p-p poker face, p-p poker face. I have purchased The Fame and The Fame Monster. Yes, she is out there. Yes, some people hate her. But, I admire her. She exudes self-confidence. Love her or hate her...she's infamous. Ps. dying over the hello kitty dress.
Best Vacation:
I imagine this goes without saying but....obv. EUROPE! There are so many awesome pics I want to post from the trip, but for now, I'm narrowing it down to one per city. We took only backpacks (and one carry on) and jumped between cities for a month. I die when I look back through the pictures...I want to live in Europe so bad.
Interlaken, Switzerland
Trip of a lifetime.
Best Purchase:
With all of our saving for Europe, I didn't make that many purchases. I was hoping to put a pair of fabulous shoes or a durable signature piece of clothing on the list. I can't think of one that sticks out. So my most notable purchase was...
My iPhone! Yay! Life changer :)
For now, those are all the Best Of's I can think about...I'll edit if I can think of more. Check for upcoming posts about...what I'm looking forward to in 2010 & goals/resolutions for 2010. Bring it on 2010!
Most Surprising Celeb Moment:

The Chris Brown/Rihanna domestic violence drama. This was shocking. A lot of crazy shocking celeb moments happened throughout the year (including most recent, Brittany Murphy's death). I think this was shocking for me because it is just something completely unexpected. I think Rihanna definitely gave, and still gives, off an independent, strong woman kind of vibe. And Chris Brown! I thought he gave off an "innocent, young" vibe. I was shocked that he could do that. But it just goes to show that these things can happen to matter what one's personality is like or how "strong" one may be percieved as being.
I'll end you with a few other notables from 2009:
Georgia blizzard of 2009:
March 2009...We got a couple of days off work! I can't remember how many inches of snow, but the second picture is the morning after. It was crazy!
Less than a week after the blizzard...our backpacking trip to Panther Creek:
Friends get married...October 2009:

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