Thursday, July 7, 2011

All-American grill master.

Since D was out of town most of the weekend of the 4th, I had lots and lots of free time on my hands.  I figured I'd start the weekend off in a semi-patriotic style...

[Sittin' on the porch with my PBR and chips & salsa]

What is more American that PBR?  After about 15 minutes outside and spraying myself down with bug spray, my mosquito problem was inevitable.  I literally got bit through my the middle of my back, thighs, butt, etc.  Seriously guys, it's a major problem.  I had to come inside.  

D came home on Sunday night, and we relaxed and slept in late on Monday.  Once we finally got up and got going, we went out for a late brunch followed by finally seeing The Hangover Part II.  Eh...definitely not as funny as the first.  Then we stocked up on grilling essentials.

[Zucchini, burgers, corn (not pictured), peaches, and pineapple]

D is the ultimate grill master.  I was feeling like an all-American meal, so we opted for burgers instead of steaks or chicken.  While D grilled, I played with the dogs a bit in the yard and mainly stood over the grill looking pretty.

 [Stella is the only one who actually fetches...Marlee just annoys and tackles her]

 [One day we're going to expand that tiny deck to include a screened in day.]

 [D says he wants to grow corn in our garden next year...I'll make him do the additional tilling for that.]

 [Grilled peaches and pineapple topped with vanilla ice cream and cinnamon]

Can't get more American than a cheeseburger topped with a homegrown tomato?!  And seriously, that dessert was to die for.  It was delicious.  D and I both enjoyed the grilled pineapple best.  The fireworks got rained out, so we enjoyed some Marriage Ref and instant Netflix.  It was a perfect second 4th of July in Raleigh.


Anonymous said...

your eats look deeelish!!

your pups are so cute!

Since you're in raleigh, We should run together sometime! you know... do a blogger meet up!

Kayla said...

I wanna come eat with you. Yummy, fresh and pretty healthy. What's better than that?

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious.

An American Girl (Someday) in Paris
Someday in Paris Tumblr

WannabeRunner said...

I spy something Dos XX in the background...what is that?

And your pictures are making my stomach growl! :)

Olivia.Dee said...

that dessert looks delicious! once we move and are allowed to have pits again... i'm totally grilling up some fruits!

Anonymous said...

Yum, BBQ. I didn't really get to celebrate the 4th this year with bbq, so I've been craving it. I have a pound of grassfed beef in my freezer from the farmer's market and I might need to bust it out :)

justagirlLaura said...

That dessert is seriously making my mouth water, it looks SO good! All of it looks good =)


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