Monday, September 27, 2010

Dreaming of boots and sweaters.

I hate cold weather...but I love cold weather clothes.  Maybe it's because I am still insecure about my weight (however not doing much to help myself on that front right now).  You can bundle up and layer away in the winter.  It's going to be my first year as a teacher in the winter.  I'm looking forward to all the comfy flat boots, tights and dresses, and sweaters!  I can't bring myself to do a closet craving right now.  We're saving every penny we have to close on our house (um...still can't contain my excitement over it!).  I can't even tempt myself looking at gorgeous boots and such.  I'm going to be a thrifting maniac on the weekends if I want any new fall wear.  I just can't wait for cool weather though. 

We're starting to pack up things around the house and get ready for the move.  October is going to be a ridiculous month.  Come early next year...I'm going to go on a mad spending spree ;)

Sorry for the blah post...obviously I am super busy right now!  We're packing, getting house stuff ready, etc.  This weekend I am making a crazy trip back to Athens for my friend CAP's wedding.  We'll be trekking it back late, late, late on Sunday night.  I have 4 days of teaching and probably moving stuff into our house.  Then I'm off on Friday for a work related "retreat."  Then back again for more moving.  Then D will be out of town for practically the rest of October.  STRESS!  I'll make it.  Bear with me on the posting :)

[I LOVE Wall-E!  So cute.  weheartit]


annelise said...

Yikes, sounds like October will be full on! But at least it's going to be so worth it!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Awww! Love Wall E. I like bundling up in cold weather clothes too.

Autumn Nicole said...

Congratulations on the house! I can't wait to see what all you do to it, because you have such a great sense of style. I am SO ready to start wearing cute sweaters and boots as well, and that's saying a lot for me because I live in my Havaianas and jean skirt:).


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