Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's my inauguration.

Why?  Because I'm doing my very first link up!  With all of my extra time this summer, I thought it might be fun to link up here...

That's right!  I'm linking up with Jenn over at Peas and Crayons.  So here goes nothing!


 [Ignore that giant chip in the bowl...The Greek Gods Strawberry & Honey Greek yogurt, strawberries, kiwis, and Kashi Mountain Medley granola]
[Coffee in my favorite Terrapin glass mixed with a little Sugar in the Raw and Trader Joe's Soy Milk creamer]

This is one of my favorite meals!  It's super easy and healthy.  I love Kashi's Mountain Medley granola because it has dried fruit pieces in it which adds a little extra sweetness.

[Egg sandwich with two fried eggs, homegrown tomato slices, an slice of cheese, and a little light mayo on (burnt) whole wheat bread]

I love breakfast foods for any meal!  This is an easy one for me to do after the gym.  If I have it on a day when I don't work out, I may do only egg white or just one yolk.  If we have had a chance to go to Whole Foods, I'll add a bit of ham from there.  


 [Poor iPhone pics...sorry!  Veggie Delight on wheat from Subway]

[First time trying these chips...not my fav.  I usually stick with Baked or regular sour cream and onion Lays]


 [I try to drink two of these bad boys per day]

  [A little more calories than I would normally have, but those two cups of coffee almost had me passing out during AND after my run and needed something sweet.  Delicious nonetheless!]

And there you have it!  Thanks Jenn for letting me link up!


Anonymous said...

Looks so yummy! Love your breakfast. chip in the bowl and all.

An American Girl (Someday) in Paris

Alice' M. said...

WOWZA! that breakfast looks delish! I just saw your about me and gasped -- I am getting my masters in social work right now! AND I'm from the south! Very cool to run into a blogger who knows about social work! Have a happy WIAW!


Karla said...

Happy first WIaW! :-D

I too prefer the baked chips..they just seem more crisp and less greasy.

Amy @ Juice Boxes + Crayolas said...

I'm laughing because your subway dinner is the exact meal I order from subway every time I go! Sad that you weren't into the jalapeno chips!

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

Happy 1st WIAW!!!!! <3 I totally have chips in nearly all of my bowls and plates b/c I swing them around when i'm washing them (yup. I flail) and always bump them into hard things

I have to zoom my photos just to crop em out! haha!


Amy @ Juice Boxes + Crayolas said...

OH and I tagged you on my blog today! Go check it out! :)

Amy @ Juice Boxes + Crayolas said...

You should DEFINITELY give foam rolling a shot! I'm working on a post all about it right now, plus a review of my new grid foam roller. Keep an eye out for it!

Anonymous said...

Happy WIAW! :) I actually really like the veggie sub from Subway! It's pretty good for fast food!

Anonymous said...

Happy first WIAW! I love breakfast foods for dinner, though I tend to not eat them for lunch - weird eh?

Danielle said...

Hi! I absolutely LOVE your blog!! Looking forward to following it.

When is your 10k?

this free bird said...

That magic strawberry/kiwi concoction up top? NEED some of that stat!

ps-only took 2 mos to clean that one closet out and it's not even that big. give me 2 hours and you will find a heap on the floor. oy


Joanna said...

Loving the new link up! It's always interesting to see what other people eat. I like getting new ideas!

Olivia.Dee said...

fried egg sandwiches are the best after a workout. I need to get back on that shred motivation.

Anonymous said...

Yum, the breakfast looks delish! :)


Claire {Beaktweets} said...

your breakfast looks SO yummy.


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