Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yummy desserts.

I haven't posted about my amazing, relaxing, long Memorial weekend.  I suck the most at taking pictures.  I didn't get many, but I'll try to remember to tell about that later.  What I do want to tell about are how I am loving making easy desserts recently.  I know, I know...that is terrible for healthy eating for D and I.  I can't help it!  I'm not really a baker, so I take the easy way out.

A couple of weeks ago, I tried my hand at this dessert from the blog, A Year of Slow Cooking.  If you're too lazy to check out the link, it's a Peanut Butter Cup cake cooked in the Crock Pot.  Omg.  This was one of the easiest, fully homemade, desserts ever.  It was absolutely delcious.  I'm too lazy/short on time to type up the recipe here.  Click the link and it'll take you.  You probably have most of the ingredients on hand, even if you aren't a baker.  Try it!

 Then Ladybird posted this recipe for Bourbon Pecan Bread Pudding!  Whoa.  I haven't tried it yet, but it looks delicious.  The recipe is ridiculously easy.  It sounds like a perfect dessert to bring to a friend's dinner party.  I am thinking I'll try this recipe out this summer when I'm done with school and spending my days around the house. 

I know that neither of these are really summery treats.  I wish we had an ice cream maker...

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