Monday, April 30, 2012

Life lately :: Weekend update edition.

Even with D being out of town again this weekend, I vowed not to sit at home again.  I wanted to make the most of my alone time but be productive as well.

[Terrapin Sunray for a pretty spring day]

I enjoyed a nice beer while waiting on a friend to head out for some mexican food and margaritas, the best way to start off the weekend.

[A local garden store in Raleigh]

After a delicious brunch with another friend, I headed out to pick up some more food for my chicks and then to Logan Trading Company.  We're not doing a big garden this year but had some pots with dead herbs waiting for some plants.  I picked up some "patio" tomatoes, cilantro, and a geranium for planting.

[Rosemary from last year struggles a bit, cilantro as a neighbor, geranium will grow purple, owl watches over tomatoes]

I spent the remainder of my Saturday doing reading and only a little TV watching.

I'm really in love with this book so far.  I was able to make a huge dent in it, which was my goal since work has caught up with my and I can't stay up late at night reading anymore.  So far, I think the book is beautifully written, touching, and even has a little bit of humor sprinkled throughout.  It was the best feeling to just curl up and get deep into a book again.

Weekends really are the best.

Linking up with Hayley today!     Photobucket


Oliviaaa said...

sounds like the most perfect weekend! minus D being gone.

Oliviaaa said...

oh and i'm loving this new blog design!!!

Jennifer said...

cute blog! I love a good relaxing weekend:)


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